
Burn Ban Highlands County

Posted by: Reposted by Central Florida Cities on May 30, 2024 1:06PM

Due to dry weather conditions over an extensive period resulting in a drought index rating exceeding 500 on a scale of 0-800, the Highlands County Board of County Commissioners has approved a burn ban for the county to take effect immediately.
No burning, residential or otherwise of any kind, may occur without a state of Florida Forest Service permit.
The burn ban includes, but is not limited to, all outdoor burning:
• Yard trash, vegetation, grass
• Lumber, trees
• Household paper products
• Debris
All bonfires, campfires, warming fires, fires in outdoor fireplaces, outdoor pyrotechnic displays, and open cooking fires are also prohibited.
Cooking on a contained gas or charcoal grill is allowed.
Activities authorized by Florida Forest Service is allowed.
The burn ban applies to all unincorporated areas of Highlands County, including Lorida and Venus, and the special districts of Sun 'n Lake Improvement District and Spring Lake Improvement District, and the municipalities of Avon Park, Lake Placid and Sebring.
The burn ban is in effect for 30 days through June 20, unless extended by the Board of County Commissioners. If conditions improve, the burn ban could be terminated sooner than the 30-day mark by the Highlands County Fire Chief.
Any person who refuses to comply or violates this burn ban shall be punished according to the law. This misdemeanor offense is punishable by a fine not to exceed $500 or by imprisonment by a term not to exceed 60 days in the county jail or both.

SOURCE: Highlands County Fire Rescue

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