
Summer Camps for Kids

by: Samantha M

Summer trips and vacations are what mostly everyone talks about this time of year. But no one really talks about child care and where to find it. For the last either to nine months, from about 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM (5:30 PM if your children went to daycare), kids all over Highlands County have been in school. Parents could go to work, virtually worry free, and not have to be concerned with what daycare or summer camp their child was at and what they were doing. But for the next two months, where can they go? Parents still want their children engaged and active, not just sitting on the couch playing Fortnite all day. Luckily for you, I have found quite a few places here in Highlands County that are offering summer camps, day camps, and VBS (Vacation Bible School).

The Highlands County YMCA has summer camps starting on May 28, 2019 and it is a week to week program that will last until August . It is $89 if you are a member and $109 if you are not a member. There is also a $20 registration fee, and that fee also includes a t-shirt. The age cut off is 12 years old. They will have activities for the children to do and the kids can get out some of that pent up energy but playing and interacting with other children! To contact the Highlands County YMCA, follow this link for their contact information!


iMAD, which stands for I Make A Difference, is funded by the Heartland Rural Heath Network and which helps kids with forming and maintaining healthy relationships with friends and family, life skills including decision making, goal setting, and self management, and mental health. They will be hosting TWO summer camps this year. That's right, I said TWO summer camps! One of them is a Video Production Workshop for ages 13-18. The first session will be June 17-21 and the secoond session will be July 22-26. It is on a first come, first serve basis. Kids can learn about ALL aspects of video production! The second summer camp that iMad is offering is their Summer Exploratorium. The first session is from June 17-21 and the second session is from July 22-26. It is free to sign up and this program is also on a first come, first serve basis. It begins at 7:30 AM and ends at 4:30 PM and it if for ages 10-15. For more information about these camps, you can find them on the sebring.com “Events” page, or by clicking the links provided.


There are also several choices in Highlands County if you wanted your child to participate in a VBS (Vacation Bible School).


Faith Lutheran is hosting a VBS Summer Camp which begins on June 13, 2019. It will be from 7:00 am- 5:30 pm and is for ages 2-6. They will also have a VBS Kids Cut which is from June 27-July 1. That will be from 5:30 pm-8:00 pm and dinner is included every night! This day camp is for ages 2-12.


First Sebring Church will be hosting Roar VBS from June 3- June 7 and is for ages 9-12. Roar VBS is an African Adventure which engages the whole herd. At Roar, kids explore God's goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers through this wild life!

Southside Baptist is also hosting a VBS. The Incredible Race VBS is from June 10-June 14 from 5:30 pm-8:00 pm and will include free dinner every night! This summer camp is for ages 2 years old to those that are in 8th grade!


For more information on any of these VBS programs, be sure to visit our “Churches” page in the “Directory” for a direct link to their website! Be sure to check with your local church also to see if they will be offering any kind of VBS this summer!


Kids love to be active and engaged, especially during the summer. They are so used to always having something to do, it can be a bit of an adjustment for them come summer time. Any of these camps would be a fine choice for a fun week for the kids!


If you know any more summer camps for the kids, let us know and leave a comment down below!


Have a great summer!

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the views, policy or position of Sebring.com


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