
What To Do With Leftover Peeps?

by: Samantha M

If you have left over Easter candy, like most parents do, but don't want your kids to just sit around and get hoped up on sugar, then we have found just the thing!

Peeps Slime! And the best part, it's edible. So after the kids are done making a mess and playing with their candy slime, they can eat it too!

Our very own Lori Givens tried this recipe at home with her little one, and it was a raging success!

We have linked the recipe and ingredients needed down below, and have included pictures as a helpful guide.

Some things you will need to get started:

-5 sleeves of Peeps (any color)

-Cornstartch (or confectioners sugar to make it more edible)

-Vegetable Oil (or a neutral flavor oil to make it more edible)

-A tablespoon measure

-Bowl (or multiple depending on how many colors you have)

-Spoon for stirring


** If you are planning on doing this activity with smaller children, adult supervision might be required when handling the hot bowl and the microwave**


Step 1: Break apart the sleeve of 5 peeps and add them to your microwave safe bowl


Step 2: Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil (or oil of your choice) to the bowl of peeps

Step 3: Put the bowl of peeps in the microwave for 30 seconds



Step 4: Remove the bowl from the microwave (this is where the adult supervision comes in)

Step 5: Add a tablespoon of cornstarch (or confectioners sugar) at a time and smush it into your softened peeps. The peeps will be warm to on the hot side so adults should start this process, until it cools down. It is your choice to use a spoon or not in this step. Make sure you add a total of 3 tablespoons to each batch until the point that it is no longer sticky.



Step 6: Continue to kneed and stretch and play with your slime!



**Fun Tip** 
Combine the colors to make a unicorn Peeps slime!



This is the link for the original article in case you were interested to see how theirs turned out as well!

We wish you luck with this experiment, and stay tuned for some more kid friendly activities!

Happy experimenting!

Don't forget to let us know in the comments section how your Peep Slime turned out!

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the views, policy or position of Sebring.com


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