Outdoors and Parks
by: Becky Lynn
As a mom of 4 ranging in ages from 2 to 15 Halloween is a big event for us. They all love dressing up and trick or treating, as do most kids! I'm one of those moms who is always prepared and overly cautious. So I wanted to share a list of safety tips for all of you getting ready for a fun night of trick or treating!
Costume Check: Make sure costumes are not too long or loose. Consider non toxic face paint to masks. As masks can block eye sight, be hot and hard to breathe in.
Light them up: Use flashlights and lots of glow sticks to carry and wear. This will help everyone be seen as it gets dark and aid in keeping them safe.
Go as a group: It is important younger kids trick or treat with an adult to stay safe. However, If the older kids don't want to trick or treat with their parents and little ones. Make sure they go in a group and have a pre planned and approved route.
Plan your route: It is important to know in advance which streets you will be taking, especially if it is older kids without an adult or large groups that will be splitting up for any amount of time. When planning a route check online to find out if there are any sexual predators in the chosen neighborhood. These are houses you will likely want to avoid.
Practice street safety. Use cross walk and watch for cars and follow the rules of the road. Don't cut across lawns stay on sidewalks and lighted paths.
Only go to well lit homes: Only trick or treat at houses that are well lit to stay out of danger. Also, not all houses/people choose to participate in trick or treating so it is best to only go to houses with their light on.
Do not enter homes or cars: Never go into houses or get in cars to get a treat.
Check out the candy before eating: Make sure all candy has is sealed and has no signs of being tampered with. Throw out any unwrapped candy or treats that were homemade or repackaged goods.
Check for allergens: If your kids have food allergies make sure to read any unfamiliar labels before handing over the candy.
Clean up before bed: Kids are tired at the end of a long night. However, you want to make sure the kids brush the sticky candy off of their teeth before bed to avoid cavities and wash off any face or body paint/glitter.
I hope everyone has a great Halloween and stays safe.
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