Outdoors and Parks
by: Virgil Ullom
Many young Democrat voters in the last presidential election did what our Founders never would have done: they voted for socialism.
Socialism offers many attractive freebies. The problem is socialists don't have what they offer; they have to get it from those who do. It is normal for people not to want to give up their possessions and liberty. During the last century, the Left murdered millions of their own citizens. We have seen this in countries like North Korea, China, Russia, Venezuela, and Cuba.
To justify murder, they deny God. Any person who will murder another human will have no problem with lying and stealing. For communists, murder is not evil, but owning personal property is. Communism is a close relative to socialism; both take ownership of property and place it under control of government. Taxes can be a form of stealing; America did not have federal income tax until 1913.
What a contrast to our Founders’ statement that “all are created equal.” All have God-given rights including “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Dr. Ravi Zacharias notes that this is a Biblical worldview, not Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, etc. With the God of the Bible, everyone has value. Marriage, family, the baby in the womb--all of life is sacred.
Early America promoted education so everyone could read and be knowledgeable of the Bible.
The left has progressively and stealthily achieved major victories in America over the last century with the censoring of the Bible in schools and in our culture. They have also promoted porn, abortion, sexual immorality, and drugs. To advance the left's agenda, they understood the need to remove the major obstacles presented by a Biblical worldview, including marriage and family.
The Democrat party continues to take us down the road to socialism with its support for abortion, which destroys innocent lives, and its support of sexual immorality, which supplants healthy marriages and families. America is in great danger.
Life has God-given value. Live and vote prayerfully.
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