
New HCC Logo.jpg
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Christian Musicians Needed

Price: Volunteer

Location: Highlands Community Church

Condition: Part Time

Are you a follower of Jesus and a musician? HCC is looking for a keyboard/piano player, drummer and an acoustic guitarist to join our worship team on Sunday mornings. This is not a paid position and we do not want you to leave your current church just to play on our worship team.


- Follower of Jesus (we will ask for your testimony)

- Proficient on your instrument

- Team player

- Humble heart

- Clear testimony of how God is using you.

- Consistent attendance at church (even on weeks that you are not playing...but we understand having to work or being on vacation)

- Tattoos and coffee drinkers are just fine with us. Pastor wears jeans on sundays and a couple of the musicians wear hats...we care more about your heart. 

Please contact Pastor Tim by email - pastorhccsebring@gmail.com

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