
  1. Basketball Courts

    Another part of the Recreation Complex that gets used frequently are the basketball courts.

  2. Island Pavilion

    Set in the center of Hog Lake, the Island Pavilion is a great location for outside social gatherings such as birthday parties or family reunions.

  3. Picnic Pavilion

    Located at the Recreation Complex, the Picnic Pavilion is great for outside social gatherings such as birthday parties or family reunions.

  4. Playground

    At Sun ‘N Lake there are several kid-friendly activities including our playground.

  5. Dog Park

    The is an ideal spot to take your dogs for a bit of exercise between rounds of golf. The area is fenced-in and overlooks a lovely view of the water. Sun 'n Lake is open every day of the week from 7am to 7pm.


Sun n Lake

3500 Edgewater Dr - Sebring, FL 33872

Generation Improv - generation-Improv logo.jpg
Okeechobee County Fire Rescue - okeechobee-County-Fire-rescue.png
Sebring Historical Society - Sebringhistoricalsociety.png
Heartland Food Bank - heartland-food-bank_logo.png
Film Fray - FilmFray_Color_logo.png
Sebring.com - Sebring_logo_black150.png
Woodlawn Elementary Schol - woodlawn-elementary.png
Highlands County Sheriff - highlands-county-sheriff-paul-blackman-logo-c-w1.png
Lake Placid Middle School - Lake_Placid_Middle_School.png
Emanuel United Church of Christ - emanuel-church-of-christ.png
Better Before Lunch - Betterbeforelunchpodcast41.jpg
Avon Park Fire Department - AVon-Park-Fire-Department-logo-w.png
Highlands County Tax Collector - Highlands_County_Tax_Collector.png
Highlands Art League - Screen Shot 2018-11-16 at 6.14.50 PM.png
Bonnet Springs Park - Bonnett-Springs-Lakeland-logo.png
Sebring High School - Sebring High logo images.jpg
Lake Placid Police Department - Lake_Placid_Police-2.png
Lake Alfred Historical Society - Lake_Alfred_Historical_logo.png
Sebring Police Department - Sebring_Police_Department.png
Heartland Library Cooperative - heartland-library-cooperative-2.png
Central Florida Cities - CentralFloridaCitiesLogoOfficia-color1.png
Florida Rural Legal Services - Floirda-rural-Legal_lakeland-logo.png
Knottygirl - knottygirl_logo1.jpg
Florida State Parks - FL-DEP-STATE-PARKS-TAG.png
Highlands County Economic Development - HCED3.png