Outdoors and Parks
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What Is Ag-Venture
Ag-Venture is a three day program which provides a great opportunity for third graders to gain experience, understanding, and appreciation of our local agriculture.
Highlands County Ag-Venture, Inc. is a tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) that is funded entirely by donations. These donations cover the cost of materials for 14 stations, bus transportation, Ag-Venture t-shirts as well as cowboy hats for each student and lunches for the volunteers over the three days. Volunteers are key to our success. Over 150 volunteers are needed each day to make the program run smoothly. Agriculture commodity groups, businesses, organizations, and individuals join in a partnership to make Ag-Venture a fun, exciting, and educational experience for everyone involved.
The Program
♦ The program is Free to the schools and students.
♦ All public, private, and home schooled third grade students are included in the program.
♦ Upon arrival at Ag-Venture, each student receives a brightly colored cowboy hat to distinguish
their group. These hats set the mood and gets them ready for their Ag-Venture.
♦ Each student participates in 7 of the 14 hands-on learning stations.
♦ The 14 stations are placed in 2 different tracts with balance of animal and plant science in each.
♦ Agriculture commodity groups and local farmers are recruited to conduct workshops at each learning
station. The learning materials for these stations are provided jointly by donations and commodity groups.
♦ Volunteers are recruited to help with hands-on activities, and to be bus greeters, timers, cooks, or
servers for the volunteer lunches. Middle and high school FFA members volunteer as group leaders.
♦ Third grade teachers will receive curriculum and pre/post test that relate to the 7 stations in their tract
and meet Sunshine State Standards.
Highlands County
Hours | |
Monday: | |
Tuesday: | |
Wednesday: | |
Thursday: | |
Friday: | |
Saturday: | |
Sunday: |