
Keeping Resolutions


How to keep your New Years Resolutions



1. Be realistic when you are making your New Year's Resolution.


2. Change one small behavior at a time. If you start small you will be more likely to accomplish your goals.


3. Talk about it. Sharing your goals with friends and family can help you figure out the right approach for you to meet your goals. They can also help to keep you motivated.


4. Reward yourself. Have a reward system in tack, This will help you stay motivated and focused on achieving the goal. The reward can be something simple. Like watching a favorite movie or eating at a favorite restaurant.


5. Don't beat yourself up. Remeber it is ok to have setbacks when attempting to reach your goal. People are not perfect and you do not need to strive for perfection. If you reach a set back just asses what happened and keep moving forward.


6. Stick with your goals. Experts say it takes 21 days for something to become a habit and 6 months for it to be part of your personaility. So keep working towards it and eventually it will come naturally!





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