
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month


September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. In Polk County, the Wings of Teal Ovarian Cancer Support Group is an open group working to raise awareness for this cause.


On September 17th, the Ovarian Cancer Support Group will be having their 5th annual 'Teal Gone Mad' Tea Party at the Lakeland Country Club. The event will be Alice in Wonderland themed with characters who look like they've come straight out of a storybook. Registration is available online at https://event.gives/tealgonemad, and must be purchased prior to the event. They will have a silent auction, fashion show, and best hat contest with a prize for the most outlandish hat.


The group meets every 3rd Monday of the month at Winter Haven Hospital. New members are welcomed and the group encourages husbands, caregivers, and anyone who has family members who are going to meetings or have one of the reproductive cancers to join as well.


For those who are home bound, or too far to attend, they also offer a Zoom meeting at the same time which can be accessed via their Facebook group or by emailing ovcasgroup@gmail.com.



The Ovarian Cancer Support Group currently meets at the Winter Haven Hospital, but is looking for another place to meet in Lakeland to alternate their monthly meetings.


Ovarian Cancer


Ovarian cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system, and it the second most common gynecologic cancer in the United States, according to the CDC.


While some factors may increase a women's risk of getting ovarian cancer, there is no way to know for sure if you will get it. There also isn't a simple and reliable way to screen for ovarian cancer yet, but there are things you can do to recognize warning signs.


First, it's important to be aware of your body, and notice any changes in how you feel. Some factors increase your risk of getting ovarian cancer, like certain genetic mutations, having endometriosis, or having a family history of ovarian cancer. However, most women who get ovarian cancer aren't at high risk for it, so it's important to keep track of how you're feeling.


Some symptoms of ovarian cancer may include: vaginal bleeding or discharge, pain or pressure in the pelvic area, a change in bathroom habits, or bloating/feeling full too quickly.


If you notice any changes in your health, it's always beneficial to consult a healthcare provider, who can review your symptoms and recommend any further testing. Some diagnostics tests that may indicate ovarian cancer include a recto-vaginal pelvic exam, a trans-vaginal ultrasound, or a CA-125 blood test.



Jaydee Williams     September 8, 2022             Jaydee is a Florida native who loves cats and exploring new places.





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